The Outer Rim
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Join date : 2024-05-16

A turning point in the voyage[Maintenance/Closed] Empty A turning point in the voyage[Maintenance/Closed]

Fri May 31, 2024 1:45 pm
310 years have passed.

A turning point in the voyage[Maintenance/Closed] 87877411

Since the 3 colony ships from South Korea, Canada, and India landed on one planet, people from the 3 spaceships have quarreled over the limited territory of one planet. The dispute has turned into battles, into wars. The Republic of Eulji, the Republic of New Halifax, and the Kingdom of Chandra have been at odds over the planet's continents and seas, and the three countries have not yielded anything to each other.

However, space is a harsh place, and even at the moment of disputes within the planet, there was a war between powerful civilizations in outer space. Compared to those huge wars, the fights inside the planet looked like children's war games.
Some people became aware of the reality. It was time for the inhabitants of the planet to join forces to counter the threat of outer space. The Planetary Unification Movement began to spread throughout the planet, and finally, the parties advocating for planetary unity in all three countries won elections.
The process and negotiations to unite the three nations quickly took place, and finally, in 2142, the three nations united under one flag. Gunfire stopped across the planet, and Cheonghae, the newly-born nation, turned to space.

A turning point in the voyage[Maintenance/Closed] D8htmk10

Cheonghae, which ended its internal conflict, began its journey into outer space. Colony ships carrying millions of migrants set sail for other planets, just like when they first arrived on the planet. At the same time, Cheonghae developed its internal economy, and industry, and stabilized the country.
And all of this was sustained by technological advancements. Technology has evolved since humans first arrived on the planet, and even during the ongoing conflict within it. In 2081, within Han-Gyeong planet, anti-aging technology based on genetic recombination was already widely available, and pair annihilation generators using antimatter rapidly developed the planet's entire industry. Since the 3 countries were merged into one, technological advancement has accelerated, and in 2154, hyperspace leap technology was developed, bringing about drastic changes in Cheonghae's space voyage technology.
Expanding its territory on a large scale, Cheonghae eventually encountered an outside civilization. And just as those who advocated planetary unity feared, the first civilization Cheonghae encountered was extremely dangerous.

Alvum is a race that forms a cluster around Hive mind and at the same time has a certain level of self-consciousness. They have excellent intelligence and physical ability, but at the same time have a habit of enslaving other races as inferior beings. Alvum does not consider coexistence with other races at all and believes that their races have a right to rule them. This characteristic of Alvum acts as a decisive reason why Alvum and other races cannot coexist.
After the first collision between the two sides in the New Kolkata's orbit in 2256, Cheonghae and Alvum were at odds, continuing a series of local battles, large and small. While Alvum continued to mount its offensive based on its numerical superiority, Cheonghae was able to successfully block Alvum's offensive because of its wider territory and more advanced technology.
However, Cheonghae did not consider Alvum a serious threat until 2375. That this was a complacent idea was proven by Alvum's invasion of the planet Hela. In 2375, Alvum invaded and occupied the Hela Planet, an independent national planet of human inhabitants. Humans on the planet Hala vehemently resisted, but rather this provoked the queen and leadership of Alvum, resulting in the slaughter of madness across the planet.

A turning point in the voyage[Maintenance/Closed] Planet10

Cheonghae was horrified to witness Alvum's atrocities. At the same time, they decided that they needed to stop Alvum's expansion to prevent Alvum from doing the same to Cheonghae. Soon a battle broke out between the Cheonghae and Alvum over the planet Hela, with the Cheonghae driving the Alvum from the planet Hela.
Although Cheonghae blocked the expansion of Alvum and freed the planet Hela, Cheonghae and Alvum entered into a full-fledged conflict following this incident. As of 2380, when the local war in the border region is growing in scale, Cheonghae is seeking cooperation with other forces in the galaxy to turn the current state of war in Cheonghae's favor. However, the galaxy is a cold-blooded world, and Cheonghae is also mindful of the possibility of facing another hostile race.

A turning point in the voyage[Maintenance/Closed] Maxres10

Cheonghae's new administration began its term with great ambition. We don't know yet what that will lead to, but Cheonghae needs a turning point now.
RP Member
Posts : 4
Join date : 2024-05-16

A turning point in the voyage[Maintenance/Closed] Empty Re: A turning point in the voyage[Maintenance/Closed]

Sun Jun 02, 2024 3:20 pm

Cheonghae Federation
Hanoul, Planet Han-Gyeong

A turning point in the voyage[Maintenance/Closed] 94183611

Even if the gap between the rich and the poor in Cheonghae is small, a penthouse with a panoramic view of the city is not something everyone can have universally. A penthouse in the heart of a major city is more expensive than Space Control Force's frigate. Therefore, only a small number of people can have a penthouse.
Jeong Saei, the owner of the penthouse, was outwardly polite to Minister Jonathan Lampard standing in front of her, but she was slightly dismissive of Jonathan at heart. Having a penthouse in the city center at the age of mid-20s is not an easy task. But Jeong Saei did just that. This fact was a source of great pride for her and the envy of others.

Minister Jonathan Lampard was older than her, but that was beyond Jeong Saei's interest. The important fact is that Jeong Saei's social status is not lower than Jonathan Lampard's. Rather, her status may be higher.

A turning point in the voyage[Maintenance/Closed] Screen10"Mr. Minister."
Jeong Saei paused for a moment and tried to take the initiative in the conversation by making the other person wait. Jonathan Lampard seemed to be aware of Jeong Saei's intentions, but Jonathan did not respond and waited for Jeong Saei's next words.
As far as Jeong Saei knows, Jonathan is by no means a person who lowers himself to others, so his attitude was very unexpected.
"I'm sure you've come this far for some reason. If you don't mind, I'll tell you my concerns in advance. I support the government's project to build an interstellar hyperspace leap hub and am willing to actively help it. But the current amount the government has offered is not acceptable to our company. This is a very expensive project. Given the importance of the project and the potential additional costs, it should be higher."

Jeong Saei

CEO and Chairman of Saeyul Group

Jonathan nodded with a light smile, and his reply was beyond Jeong Saei's expectations.

A turning point in the voyage[Maintenance/Closed] Screen10"Ms. Chairman. I understand your concern. Therefore, the government will accommodate all your demands regarding the hyperspace leap hub project."
Jeong Saei's expression was shaken by Jonathan's words. Jeong Saei expected Jonathan to reject her request, and Jeong Saei intended to implement his next plan to break Jonathan's determined attitude. Unexpectedly, however, Jonathan accepted Jeong Saei's request right away.
"Instead, there are conditions."
This time, Jonathan seemed to be leading the negotiations. He had just made Jeong Saei wait for Jonathan's words as he copied the speech method used by Jeong Saei.
"Please lend us your company's five cargo spaceships and one dwarf planet for a year."
His suggestion was not only unexpected but also incomprehensible to common sense. The Cheonghae government and military have nearly 200,000 different spaceships, and the government can mobilize large planets other than the dwarf planet for government business if it wants.
Therefore, Jonathan's proposal is a loss on the government's part. It was a good proposal for Jeong Saei, and it was unlikely that any damage would be done to her.
“However, please lend us a dwarf planet located beyond the Lagrange point of the Coral planet, not the other dwarf planet. And the planets and spaceships are not to be interfered with by you until they are returned to your company.”

Minister of Intelligence

Jonathan Lampard

A turning point in the voyage[Maintenance/Closed] Screen10"You mean the WolfA32 planet."

Jeong Saei

CEO and Chairman of Saeyul Group
Planet WolfA32 is a barren dwarf planet, where a small mine is located. Although it has titanium mines, Jeong Saei's company has dwarf planets and asteroids with larger titanium deposits.
But the reluctance thing is that the planets and spaceships that Jeong Saei will lend will be out of her interference range until returned. Then the spaceships and the planet would likely be mobilized for dirty business, not ordinary government business.
In a normal situation, Jeong Saei's answer would be no. She does whatever it takes to do her business, but she never engages in illegal or secret projects.
However, the conditions offered by the government were too sweet to give up. If she wins the government's hyperspace leap hub project at a low price, her company will soon be among the top three in Cheonghae by market capitalization.
Jeong Saei did not shrug off the government's sweet proposal, but suggested the best safeguards she could offer.

A turning point in the voyage[Maintenance/Closed] Screen10"That's fine. But whatever the purpose of the rented spaceship and the planet or what happens with them, please let me and our company avoid legal liability. If you can't accept my offer, I have no choice but to reject it."

Jeong Saei

CEO and Chairman of Saeyul Group

Jonathan kept silent for a moment. He must have calculated the gains and losses from Jeong Saei's demand. After a moment of silence, Jonathan opened his mouth.

A turning point in the voyage[Maintenance/Closed] Screen10"All right. You and your company will be free from legal liability. You just have to lend me a planet and a few spaceships. Is that enough?"

Minister of Intelligence

Jonathan Lampard
It's done. Jeong Saei smiled and asked Jonathan to shake her hand.

When Jonathan got out of the penthouse, Jeong Saei immediately called somewhere. The fact that the notorious Jonathan accepted Jeong Saei's demands without complaint encouraged Jeong Saei's anxiety. Although this would make her company the third richest company in Cheonghae, there was no need to leave any uneasiness behind.

A turning point in the voyage[Maintenance/Closed] Screen10"It's me. Report to me everything that happens on the planet WolfA32 from this time onwards. You should report to me exactly what the government spaceships are doing there, what they are installing on that planet, and whether there is anything unusual.“

Jeong Saei

CEO and Chairman of Saeyul Group


The space near the planet Hela

A turning point in the voyage[Maintenance/Closed] Oiayia10

The CDFS Geumgang is a flagship that commands one of the numerous Task Flotillas on patrol across the border. Measuring 8.3 km long, the massive ship was surrounded by many smaller warships, but any threat could come from anywhere. Despite its technological inferiority, Alvum's fleets have been constantly provocative. They must not let their guard down.
As the fleet passed near the Hela planet, all of its crew became solemn and saluted the planet. Only five years ago, fierce fighting broke out on the planet Hela, and despite Cheonghae's victory, thousands of people were killed. Even today, Cheonghae and the Hela planet have formed a temporary military alliance, but peace can break at any time. Everyone in the Space Control Force was aware of the fact.
And the fleet had to recall that fact again.
"Captain. Unidentified objects were detected near the asteroid belt."
When red dots that had not been seen before appeared on the screen of the detection sensor, tension began to swirl around the bridge. The crew quickly rushed to their location, and the ship's ammunition chambers were loaded with ammunition.
"Activate the fire control radar, now."
The captain's command was issued, and the firing control radar was activated. At that moment, flashes appeared from the asteroid belt.
"Sir! It's the FTL flight! Unidentified objects are trying to fly at the FTL speed!"
It is an urgent situation, and if handled incorrectly this situation, his fleet may make the mistake of allowing the enemy to escape. However, his fleet could not fire until the opponent's identity was clear. This was due to the lack of guarantee that the unidentified objects were Alvum's spaceships.

"Don't fire without my orders!"

However, despite the captain's orders, a Ga-eul class light cruiser escorting the CDFS Geumgang pulled the trigger of the caliber 9m railgun. The railgun bullet hit the target at 40 percent of the speed of light, and soon an unidentified object caused a massive explosion.
The captain of CDFS Geumgang felt a simmering rage deep in his heart. He connected communications and vented his anger at the captain of the light cruiser, who acted arbitrarily without his command.

"What are you doing now! You go back and get ready to write a report! I will refer you to the disciplinary committee!"

The captain cut off the communication and calmed his anger. However, it did not take long for the anger to turn into embarrassment.

"Captain. CDFS Longwoods recovered the wreckage, and the sunken vessel was the Grim Fog class corsair ship of Alvum, i.e. the enemy ship."

Clearly, the light cruiser was at fault for pulling the trigger arbitrarily without command. However, without such action, the captain of the CDFS Geumgang would eventually have allowed the enemy to flee. As a result, the cruiser's captain prevented the CDFS Geumgang's mistake.
The captain of the CDFS Geumgang sighed and ordered to the fleet's ships.

"Let's recover the wreckage of the enemy ship and return to the base. I will report this to the command."
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