The Outer Rim
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Join date : 2024-05-16

Ideas for the use of these Forums? Empty Ideas for the use of these Forums?

Tue May 21, 2024 12:02 pm
Everyone, how can we use these forums for The Outer Rim's roleplay? I think this is a very good place, but it'll be difficult to diverge from NS.

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Join date : 2024-05-16

Ideas for the use of these Forums? Empty Re: Ideas for the use of these Forums?

Tue May 21, 2024 2:29 pm
Well, We can upload OOC chats to RMB, and we can upload RP posts here. The reason I created this forum was that it was hard to search for RP posts in RMB. Uploading RP posts to this forum enables RP while facilitating story progression, and OOC chats can continue to be enabled in RMB.
Of course, it is possible to do RP in NS forums, but I saw that there are RPs in the region on the RMB. There is no bad thing about doing RP in the RMB, but it is difficult to attach external links(Especially IIWiki pages) in the RMB, and it is impossible to add visual effects such as pictures.
Some of the large RP regions where I'm active are using external forums to run RP. They looked pretty good, and I wanted to try this idea out here. I hope my idea will be accepted positively.

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